Meet Lisa Dadd

Lisa is on a mission to show business founders and leaders that the success they’ve been seeking isn’t found OUTSIDE their comfort zone, as we’ve been led to believe, but rather INSIDE it. 

Our journey back to ourselves, to rediscover our true essence, is the pivotal step towards unlocking our full potential and creating the impact we aspire to.  By unearthing our unique ways of being, we gain a profound self-awareness that not only fosters ease and authenticity but also a compelling way to conduct business.  

Lisa’s dynamic approach, grounded in realism and extensive, diverse experiences, positions her as a leading management consultant. Her vibrant personality infuses a distinct flavour into all her endeavours. A passionate traveller and nature enthusiast, she calls Ontario, Canada, home, sharing it with her beloved yellow Lab, Samson.




As a keynote speaker, Lisa consistently delivers powerful, engaging talks that empower professionals to become radically self-aware and embody what makes them most unique. Her message is simple: Success doesn’t come from OUTSIDE your comfort zone but from WITHIN.

Executive Coach

Lisa collaborates with business leaders worldwide to help them achieve radical self-awareness and become more grounded in their true selves and what they offer by mastering their unique ways of relating to others and navigating their circumstances.

Leadership Training

Lisa trains teams to operate from their innate ways of being. By tapping into each team member’s unique energy and talents, she activates new opportunities for building trust and creating buy-in while building their confidence to make the desired impact.



Lisa is an internationally seasoned professional who has excelled in various roles, including marketing and sales executive, business owner, integrative management consultant, trainer, and gifted speaker. Her base in Ontario, Canada, serves as a hub for her global perspective and adaptability.  

With a deep interest in human health and wellness, Lisa embarked on a career path in the highly complex corporate healthcare industry. Her natural energy for relationships and leadership quickly resulted in increasing responsibility in sales, marketing, and operational positions, and she successfully led and inspired teams across the country.

After a successful career in the corporate healthcare industry, Lisa's interest in personal leadership development was ignited. This transformative journey led her to write her first book, deliver a TEDx talk, and interview innovative leaders worldwide; it is a testament to the power of self-improvement and the potential for success and fulfillment.

She gained experience in non-corporate environments, broadening her business expertise and deepening her transformative wisdom. As a consultant, Lisa also led experiential workshops to enhance leadership, resilience, decision-making, and communication skills and trained facilitators to integrate personal growth strategies with practical business applications.

Her drive, realism, and broad and deep experience make her a first-class management consultant who leads innovative and transformative implementation solutions.

Lisa’s integrative and holistic approach, with her professionalism, natural high energy, and focus, assures organizations build sustainable solutions, particularly in strategic implementation, sales, marketing, operations, and organizational planning. She is active in several partnerships and networks around the globe and can work with any team or organization of any size across various industries.